Bus Movement Standards Of Service & Inspection Checklist (DTMO Bus Form-01)

Use this single form to address all vehicles in the bus convoy for both departing and return trips for the MRN provided.  Use the comments field to cite all vehicle issues.


Format: mm/dd/yyyy
Section II Unit/Leader Information
Group Leader Name (Last, First, MI):
Group Leader (Official Work)  E-mail:
Group Leader Phone: 
Branch of Service:
Transportation Officer (TO) Information:
A copy of checklist will be sent to the TO if e-mail is provided.
E-mail (Work):
Were there any safety concerns (lighting, fire extinguisher, etc.)?  
Were there any interior/exterior concerns (lavatory, seats, tires, etc.)? 
Were there any mechanical concerns (engine, A/C, heat, brakes, windshield wipers, etc.)? 
Would you like to alert the DTMO Bus Team of issue concerning this move?
Rate the overall service provided by this carrier: 
TopicsPoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodExcellent

Please verify e-mail addresses are correct.  Group Leader, TO, and DTMO will receive an e-mailed receipt of this form upon submission. You will be contacted if the MRN is incorrect.  

Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO) | travel.dod.mil